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Verification of CSU WRF and NCEP model forecasts: temperature, Mar 2017

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-- Forecasts are verified against the NCEP Real-time mesoscale analysis (RTMA)
-- BCRMSE = Bias-corrected root mean square error. Reflects the forecast errors not associated with the bias. Lower numbers are better.
-- RMSE = Root mean square error. Lower numbers are better.
-- Bias = Difference between the average forecast temeprature and the average observed temperature. A value of zero reflects an unbiased forecast, values less than zero reflect a cool bias.
-- Left column shows statistics for a subdomain centered on Fort Collins, shown in these maps.
-- Middle column shows statistics for all of domain 2 (12-km grid spacing), which is the inner grid shown here. It covers much of the western and central US.
-- Right column shows an "Eastern Colorado zoom" domain, a model subdomain covering only eastern Colorado and parts of eastern Wyoming and western Nebraska, shown here.
-- Scores are calculated using the Meteorological Evaluation Tools software package.

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