Information about CSU real-time WRF model forecasts for the Big Weather Web project
Our research group is a part of the Big Weather Web project, an NSF-funded effort to develop common and sustainable Big Data infrastructure to support research and education on numerical weather prediction. We are contributing two members to a large ensemble that is being run across numerous universities. Graphics from our two members are available at this site; we expect that graphics from the full ensemble will become available as the project progresses.
- Our two members include the "control" configuration, and one member that uses a different cumulus parameterization.
- Forecasts use WRF-ARW version 3.8.1, and are initialized daily at 0000 UTC and run out to 84 hours.
- The forecasts use 20-km horizontal grid spacing and 43 vertical levels (on a stretched grid with higher resolution near the surface)
- Details of the configuration of each ensemble member are given in the table below:
Control member
CSU02 |
Initial/Boundary conditions | 0.5 degree GFS, BCs updated every 3 hours |
0.5 degree GFS, BCs updated every 3 hours |
Cumulus |
Kain-Fritsch |
Grell-Freitas |
Boundary layer |
Microphysics |
Thompson |
Thompson |
Land surface |
Noah |
Noah |
Shortwave radiation |
Longwave radiation |
(More info on the WRF physics options can be found on the
WRF website here.)
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. ACI-1450089. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.